Those loveable Spauldings - can't you feel the love? Over the years, there has been nothing they wouldn't stoop to to backstab anyone - even their family members.
Even after facing death (again) Alan is back to his old tricks. (So much for the "new and improved" Alan we all were interested to see). I knew that his first act would be to kick out Doris and Ashlee, now that he has leverage against her. But first Beth has to try to get a little Spaulding heir to ensure that Alan remains with her. I cannot even begin to tell you the "ick" factor of those two - as lovers and as parents.
And with Beth's desperate attempts to get pregnant, she hasn't thought about what that would mean to Lizzie, who just lost a child. It just shows how out of touch she is - hardly recognizable from the girl who came to Springfield in the 1980's. Beth and Rick are so different now, and the show will totally ruin their friendship with this stupid love triangle. If only Phillip would return to bring some normalcy to their lives (if he came back as the old, unconfused Phillip, that is).
Reva and Josh's little "visit" certainly makes me think they'll get back together once Josh gets out of jail - or soon thereafter. No real facts behind the statement - just a hunch.
And Olivia and Jeffrey's little moment this week definitely gives me the idea that she'll never be happy with Buzz. But can't GL keep one couple happy for more than a few weeks? Dinah and Mallet will certainly have some challenges now that she's stolen Vanessa and Matt's money and ruined their marriage. (OK, Matt didn't help at all). So who do we have that's even remotely happy?
This week will be more of the lack of peace and harmony we've come to expect. Hopefully with May Sweeps coming up, we'll find at least some small shred of happiness in Springfield. A girl can dream....