All My Children Daily Recaps: Everything that happened on AMC in 1998

All My Children summaries from 1998
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January 5 to 9, 1998
Dimitri tried to shoot Edmund, but the gun's bullets had been replaced with blanks. Gloria walked out on Dimitri after overhearing him confess the truth. Adam saw a ghostly figure floating in the trees. Tad saw a mystery woman on his lawn. Allie told Jake that she had forged her undergraduate transcripts. Janet told Trevor that she could not marry him, since her first husband had returned to her life. Dimitri was left in serious condition after a tree fell on top of him. Erica and Jack made love.
January 12 to 16, 1998
With Dimitri's life hanging in the balance, Gloria issued newcomer Ryan an ultimatum -- donate blood to save Dimitri's life or be arrested for insurance fraud. David told Allie that he had decided to let her go. David administered a medication to Adam's I.V. that caused severe side effects. The mystery woman managed to stay one step ahead of Tad. Jim found out that Edmund had been investigating him. Gloria decided to leave Pine Valley in search of a fresh start. Brooke confronted Jim about his suitcase.
January 19 to 23, 1998
Kelsey and Ryan pooled their resources to go after the objects of their desires -- Scott and Gillian, respectively. Adam pulled through, but David devised a plot to frame Jake for administering the wrong medication to Adam. Jake and Allie assumed that David had "poisoned" Adam, but they couldn't prove it. Jake was suspended from duty. Liza managed to talk Adam out of pressing charges against Jake. Tad met face-to-face with the mystery woman, but she gave him the slip again and made her way to the Chandler mansion, where she put on quite a show for Adam. Jim made up a story about a loan shark wanting him dead and claimed that the loan shark had planted the bomb in his suitcase. Brooke wanted to believe Jim, but she had her doubts and sent Mateo out to dig up dirt on Jim. Gloria bid farewell to Pine Valley.
January 26 to 30, 1998
Erica regained ownership of Enchantment, thanks to Hayley. Jake and Allie enlisted Liza's help to prove that David had tried to kill Adam. Tad was within inches of his mystery woman twice, but she managed to evade him both times. The mystery woman headed to the Chandler mansion and hid inside one of its many secret passageways. A ski trip turned into a tragedy of errors for Kelsey, Ryan, Gillian, and Scott. Mateo and Hayley went undercover in New York to investigate Jim, whom Brooke had grown increasingly suspicious of.
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February 2 to 6, 1998
Jim caught Mateo and Hayley poking around a New York bar for information about him. Jim had a crony send Hayley and Mateo to a vacant lot so that they could be silenced, but the couple eluded the thugs who were sent after them. Phoebe asked Edmund for his thoughts on Jim, whom she had grown suspicious of. Erica agreed to let Bianca go riding with Dimitri. Stuart was roped into Jake and Allie's plan, and getting himself killed was the only thing that he had to do in order to participate. Brooke accepted Jim's marriage proposal in order to silence him when he confronted her about squealing on him. The mystery woman's plan to make Adam "confess" continued, but she made a big mistake.
February 9 to 13, 1998
"Joy" mistook Tad for Adam and clobbered him with a board. Ryan and Kelsey set out to win the hearts of Gillian and Scott, respectively. David denied being involved in Adam's near-death. After Allie and Liza staged a catfight over Jake at the hospital, David decided to help Liza get back together with Jake. Jim visited Mateo and Hayley's apartment and planted a listening device there. Jim decided that Hayley and Mateo needed to be silenced for good after hearing them plan to continue their investigation into Jim's past. Jack proposed to Erica.
February 16 to 20, 1998
Tad told Adam that the ghost who had been haunting Adam wasn't really a ghost. Meanwhile, the mystery woman showed up at Myrtle's, looking for a room. Mateo and Hayley were nearly killed due to carbon monoxide poisoning, but Edmund's arrival forced Jim to assist with the couple's rescue. Hayley pulled through, but Mateo slipped into a coma. Palmer comforted Isabella about the tragedy, but Opal thought that he had other motives. Janet accepted Axel's marriage proposal. David gave Liza the medication that she had requested so that she could kill Adam. The board refused to postpone Jake's hearing. Marian plotted to seduce Adam so that Liza could divorce him and get half of his fortune.
February 23 to 27, 1998
Mateo remained in a coma. Scott and Gillian had sex. Tad and Adam found the mystery woman, but they ended up getting into a bar brawl after she eluded them again. Liza secretly recorded David's confession that he had administered the wrong medication to Adam in order to frame Jake. Bianca was admitted to the hospital and given a feeding tube. Marian unknowingly seduced Stuart instead of Adam, and she later told Opal that it was the best sex that she'd ever had. David told the hospital board that he was the one who had switched the medication.
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MARCH 1998
March 2 to 6, 1998
Bianca's doctor recommended a radical new treatment option. Mateo remained in a coma. Gillian found out that she could be deported because she had violated the terms of her student visa. Trevor learned that Axel was really an actor. Adam lost his temper when Stuart revealed that he and Marian had slept together, suspecting that Liza had set Stuart up. Adam met face-to-face with the mystery woman only minutes before she jumped off of the roof of Chandler Enterprises.
March 9 to 13, 1998
Marian told Liza that she had slept with Adam. Liza figured out that Marian had actually slept with Stuart, but she chose to hide the truth from Marian. After landing on a window washer's platform and suffering a nasty bump on the head, the mystery woman revealed that her real name was Camille. Camille explained that she had been trying to drive Adam crazy because he had beaten her mother to death. Dimitri learned that Jim had been a suspect in an arson case in New Jersey that had involved explosives that matched the ones that had been found aboard Flight 149. During an emotional therapy session, Bianca was able to release some of her anger and fears. Dimitri told Erica that he still had feelings for her.
March 16 to 20, 1998
Joe told Hayley that Mateo might remain comatose for the rest of his life. Mateo was sent to the Chandler mansion for further care. Edmund paid a visit to one of Jim's cronies and learned that Jim had dabbled in explosives once before. Jim caught up to Edmund, clobbered him, and locked him in a dank room at an undisclosed location. Jim pressured Brooke into moving up the wedding date. Bianca was sent to a New York clinic to continue her treatment. Kelsey and Camille bonded over love woes. After learning that a rare virus had caused her miscarriage, Liza headed to court and asked a judge if she could back out of her petition for divorce.
March 23 to 27, 1998
Marian learned that she had slept with Stuart instead of Adam. Amanda and Tim sent a letter to Axel to tell him to stay away from Janet, unaware that they had contacted the real Axel Green. Adam and Liza managed to anger each other enough to sign off on their divorce, despite the fact that neither person really wanted to end the marriage. Brooke found papers that showed that Jim had taken an insurance policy out on her and Edmund's lives. Jim handcuffed Edmund in an underground storm sewer so that the incoming tide would cause him to drown. Maria returned as a hallucination to comfort Edmund.
March 30 to April 3, 1998
Stuart asked Liza to help him prevent Scott and Gillian from getting married. In typical Liza style, she shrewdly developed a plan to stop the wedding. Liza presented Ryan with an ultimatum, using her knowledge of Ryan's acceptance of kickbacks as leverage. Ryan tried to woo Erica into changing her story, but she was more amused than impressed. Unaware of Liza's plan, Stuart offered Gillian his hand in marriage, while a dismayed Marian eavesdropped. Edmund managed to free one of his hands, but Jim easily overpowered him. Dimitri intervened and subdued Jim, thanks to the help of a mystery man who had known how to track Jim's movements. The mystery man, who resembled an aged Mike Roy, later broke into Linden. Laura finally told her story after continued pressure from Brooke. Tad returned from Pigeon Hollow with news for Camille. The real Axel Green showed up with the intention of reclaiming his ex-wife. Opal flew off the handle when she discovered Palmer and Isabella dining together.
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APRIL 1998
April 6 to 10, 1998
Phoebe was sent to Juanita Ramsey's house so that she'd be out of Jim's reach. Tad met face-to-face with the Mike Roy doppelgänger and received a hint about Edmund's whereabouts. Scott and Gillian nearly exchanged their wedding vows, but Ryan appeared at the last minute and announced that he wanted to marry Gillian. Ryan whisked Gillian off to the hunting lodge, flashed a fake diamond ring at her, and told her that he loved her. Gillian agreed to marry Ryan. In the viaduct, Edmund and Dimitri found themselves in serious trouble as a storm sent seawater flooding into the chamber. Mateo opened his eyes and was able to blink on command. Brooke lured Jim to the gallery and confronted him with an "exhibit" of his pornographic photographs.
April 13 to 17, 1998
Dimitri freed Edmund from the aqueduct, and Tad later rescued them. A mystery man stalked Erica and later revealed himself to her as Mike Roy. Mateo spoke Brooke's name and later fully emerged from his coma. Axel continued his role with a confused Janet. Trevor offered to host Janet and Axel's wedding. Dimitri rushed to the gallery as Brooke held the gun that had killed Jim. Brooke confessed to the Pine Valley Police Department. Stuart and Marian's relationship blossomed.
April 20 to 24, 1998
Keith wanted to get an arrest warrant for Brooke. Adam told Camille that her father had been responsible for Joy's many beatings. Stuart later confirmed Adam's story and revealed that Joy might not be dead, since she had only pretended to be dead so that she could get away from her abusive husband. Allie went to Jack's office and told him that she had forged her college transcripts. Erica and Mike exhibited a cat-and-mouse sort of romance. On her way to visit an injured Jamie in Pigeon Hollow, Brooke was arrested.
April 27 to May 1, 1998
Mateo recalled more of his visions and grew concerned about Hayley's safety. Brooke was arrested and forced to spend the night in jail. Dimitri paid Brooke's expensive bail so that she could return home. Camille tried to get Jack to arrest Adam for murdering her mother, but Jack decided that there wasn't enough evidence to take action. Kelsey's loose lips revealed that both Ryan and Gillian were penniless. Gillian and Ryan barely managed to convince an immigration inspector that their marriage was legitimate. Jack urged Allie to take some time to think about what could happen to her if she decided to confess that she had forged her college transcripts. Despite Jack's advice, Allie told Joe the truth, resulting in her immediate suspension. While headed to an awards ceremony in his honor, Stuart got trapped in an elevator with Marian. The elevator suddenly dropped, and Marian and Stuart were both seriously injured.
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MAY 1998
May 4 to 8, 1998
Marian escaped the elevator crash with only a few bruises. Stuart, however, suffered a fractured rib and a punctured lung. Joe disapproved of Allie's heroic rescue effort. Liza began to realize that Marian might really be in love with Stuart. Mike moved out of Linden, but he left his duffel bag behind. Jack saw the bag and assumed that Erica was having an inappropriate relationship with Dimitri. Edmund invited Dimitri to move back into Wildwind. Frederick revealed that the things that Mateo was seeing in his visions could actually happen unless Mateo altered the future in some way. Mateo's idea of altering the future was to never return to his apartment. Joy, Adam, Tad, and Jack headed to Pigeon Hollow to exhume Joy's body.
May 11 to 15, 1998
Belinda convinced a judge to rule that Brooke's taped confession was inadmissible in court. Opal sought the advice of a radio therapist in an attempt to save her marriage. After one of the things that Mateo had seen in his visions actually happened, Mateo ordered Hayley to stay away from their apartment. Allie lost her license and didn't handle the situation well. While intoxicated, Marian went to Stuart's hospital room and crawled into bed with him. Joy's coffin was exhumed, and everyone was stunned to find a decomposed body inside. Tests confirmed that the body could not possibly be Joy's. Mike lured Erica to a warehouse, claiming that he was being held captive there. Erica and Mike later returned to Linden and found romance in their memories of their past.
May 18 to 22, 1998
Erica made a confession. Opal and Palmer fought. Hayley and Mateo made love. Jack confronted Mike and tried to figure out the truth about Mike's mission. Janet and Trevor shared a close moment. Adam told Stuart about what had happened in Pigeon Hollow. Hayley faced off with Camille.
May 25 to 29, 1998
Adrian received an unusual request from Mike. Two people were abducted. Janet had an important question for Natalie. Janet made a stunning discovery at her wedding. The results of "Joy's" DNA test were revealed. Adam met with a private detective. Liza issued a warning. Dimitri got close to Brooke. Gillian said something hurtful to Ryan.
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JUNE 1998
June 1 to 5, 1998
Mike shared his feelings with Erica. Erica and Mike were rescued. Hayley and Mateo talked about starting a family together. Adam had a surprise for Marian's dinner party. Marian drowned her sorrows in alcohol after being rejected. Liza blasted Adam for his behavior. Edmund became aware of the closeness between Brooke and Dimitri. Opal went against Palmer's wishes and hired a driver.
June 8 to 12, 1998
Liza asked Tad to be the sperm donor for her child. Palmer was worried about Mike. Jack orchestrated a kidnapping of Erica to prove how easy it was. Erica and Mike were thrown in jail. Jake and Allie planned to marry. Allie was arrested. Mateo told Hayley that Holidays was on the market. Ryan's debt caught up to him, but Gillian paid it off. Scott was electrocuted at the cabin after Camille left. Myrtle identified the stranger as Lee Hawkins.
June 15 to 19, 1998
Camille denied any involvement in the accidents that had been plaguing the Chandlers. Myrtle and Lee faced off at the hospital. Gillian was stunned when Ryan admitted that he had feelings for her. Jury selection got underway for Brooke's murder trial. Tad received the results of the DNA test that he had ordered. Erica learned that Mike had led her astray. Liza found a sperm donor.
June 22 to 26, 1998
Ryan and Liza covered up their real reasons for being at the clinic. Adrian was suspicious of the wall leading to Palmer's secret room. Mateo found a buyer for Holidays. Albert, a.k.a. Axel, agreed to buy Holidays for Hayley. Erica kept Mike caged up and later maimed him with a forklift. Brooke recognized Ryan as one of her jurors. Jamie learned of Brooke's trial. Albert gave Lee a job. Gillian accused Ryan and Hayley of infidelity. Camille and Lee met.
June 29 to July 3, 1998
Camille wasn't surprised to see that her father was not really dead, but she was surprised when he punched her and rendered her unconscious. Mateo and Ryan got into a brawl at Holidays after Mateo ordered Hayley never to return to the restaurant. Brooke's trial finally got underway. Mike Roy proposed to Erica. Dixie wasn't happy about Adam's plan to regain custody of Adam Junior.
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JULY 1998
July 6 to 10, 1998
Erica finally admitted to herself -- and later to Mike -- that she was in love with him. After Jamie started having nightmares, Brooke decided that fleeing the country might not be such a bad idea. Dixie returned to Pine Valley. David also moved back to town. Camille arrived too late to prevent Holidays from exploding.
July 13 to 17, 1998
Camille lost her life while trying to prevent the boiler from exploding. Gillian was rushed to the hospital in serious condition, suffering from internal bleeding and possible spinal cord problems. Tad and Dixie met face-to-face and shared a sweet, albeit awkward, moment. Dimitri convinced Brooke to flee the country. Jack faked amnesia after he overheard Erica telling Mike that she loved both Jack and Mike. Tad concocted a lie that he hoped would buy him enough time to find Brooke and return her to town.
July 20 to 24, 1998
Mike and Jack continued their battle to win Erica's heart. Kelsey was recruited to pretend to be a sick Brooke, but Janet saw "Brooke's" blue nail polish and realized that something wasn't right. Allie summoned Adam to the hospital to tell him about Liza's wish to have Jake father her child. Allie later felt foolish when she learned that Jake had backed out of the agreement. Furious with Allie, Jake changed his mind again and agreed to help Liza. Gillian saw Ryan and Hayley sharing an embrace and assumed that he was still interested in Hayley. Mateo learned that the carnival was heading to town. Dixie managed to get Dimitri to tell her where Brooke had fled to.
July 27 to 31, 1998
Lee tried to kill Stuart. Gillian had disturbing dreams. Adam was taken on an "informal tour" of the fertility clinic as Liza returned for a pair of glasses that she had left behind.
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August 3 to 7, 1998
Allie planned on telling Liza that Adam had switched his sperm for Jake's at the clinic, but she chickened out when Adam offered to help her get her medical license back in exchange for her silence. Liza went through with the insemination, unaware of what she was getting herself into. Marian was kidnapped and locked in the Marick Mausoleum with Camille's ashes. Mike told Jack that he believed that Palmer had paintings that had once belonged to the Nazis stashed in a secret room. Palmer hid the paintings before Mike and Jack were able to obtain a search warrant. Adrian's secret spy status was revealed in the fallout. Stuart refused to give up on Marian, even after he received a letter from her that stated that she had gone to Bermuda with John. Myrtle told Mateo and Hayley that she had seen Lee Hawkins at the hospital.
August 10 to 14, 1998
Palmer's mystery room turned out to be empty, and he later claimed that he had used the room to get away from Opal. David headed to Liza's office and encouraged her to consider using him as a sperm donor if her first procedure failed to get her pregnant. Jamie, Amanda, and Junior heard noises in the mausoleum, but no one took them seriously. Lee hit Marian again, and the strike was severe enough to render her unconscious. Brooke took the stand in her own defense. As closing arguments were scheduled to start, a mystery witness for the prosecution showed up.
August 17 to 21, 1998
Jim's brother's testimony damaged Brooke's case. Gillian risked her life to expose Lee, who set his sights on Adam Junior. Marian found a place to hide from Lee. Liza thought that she was pregnant. Adam searched for Marian for Liza's sake. Palmer escaped with the stolen paintings. Dimitri professed his love to Brooke. Opal learned that Palmer had lied to her. Palmer offered Allie a deal in exchange for her silence after she caught him at Adam's place. Pictures of Pine Valley kids were found in Jim's safe deposit box.
August 24 to 28, 1998
Liza learned that she was pregnant. Liza shared the news with Jake as Allie looked on. Closing arguments ended Brooke's trial. The kids heard a ghost in the mausoleum. Lee kidnapped Junior. Hayley and Mateo figured out that John was Lee Hawkins, and Myrtle confirmed it. Dixie was frantic when Junior went missing. Adam went on television to ask for Junior's return. Gillian ran into Lee and kept quiet. Lee waited for Hayley in her room.
August 31 to September 4, 1998
Adam learned that Lee had both of Adam's children. Mateo asked Jake to put him into a coma. Stuart rescued a barely conscious Marian. Hayley got a tattoo from Lee. Dixie posed as Joy on television. Stuart and Marian reunited. Junior escaped. Mateo had a vision of Hayley's whereabouts and went to rescue her. Kit pressed charges against Edmund after he borrowed her car.
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September 7 to 11, 1998
Lee's reign of terror ended. Hayley was taken to Pine Valley Hospital in serious condition because Lee had used a lead-based paint to create her rose tattoo. Hayley later made a full and miraculous recovery. Brooke was cleared of all charges. Brooke decided that it was too soon to jump back into a relationship with Dimitri. Gillian and David shared an intimate encounter. Myrtle suffered an irregular heartbeat. Liza's home pregnancy test was confirmed. Palmer locked Opal in the secret room so that he could flee town with his paintings.
September 14 to 18, 1998
Allie used David to elicit sympathy from Jake. Kit turned to Edmund for help. Jack had a flashback that disturbed him. Jack told Mike the story of Christine. Dixie confessed her feelings to Tad, thinking that he was unconscious. Raquel learned that Mateo was in Pine Valley. Raquel and Mateo met face-to-face. Hayley received devastating news. Palmer's car was found sinking in the river. Everyone thought that Palmer had faked his death.
September 21 to 25, 1998
Gillian had a revelation. David impressed Liza, and they grew closer. Allie tried to get pregnant, but Jake found out about the scheme. Mateo learned that he was still married to Raquel, and Hayley was furious with him for hiding that fact. Jake had a solution for Allie's situation. Palmer's treasure went beyond the masterpieces, and Mike vowed to find it. Palmer was almost captured, but he eluded Mike and Adrian with the help of a "mystery man."
September 28 to October 2, 1998
A vet told Janet that Harold's condition might be life-ending. Erica finally decided which man she wanted to be with, but her decision didn't necessarily mean that she would have a man in her life. With the help of a passing stranger, Palmer managed to elude a pair of art thieves. Tad and Dixie later found Palmer and told him to hand over his paintings. Adrian learned that Opal had known his father many years before. Edmund and Kit briefly kissed before he pushed her away. Mateo found out that Raquel had never signed the annulment papers, meaning that he was still married to her.
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October 5 to 9, 1998
Mateo had a lot of explaining to do to Hayley about Raquel. Palmer learned that he had been a pawn for the Nazis. Palmer struck a deal. Erica turned to Dimitri for comfort. Kelsey landed a job away from Pine Valley. Hayley enlisted Trevor's help in getting a divorce for Mateo and Raquel. The Dillons received devastating news about Harold. Edmund and Kit held a press conference. Gillian and Raquel forged a tenuous friendship. Palmer returned home.
October 12 to 16, 1998
Liza and Jake shared a tender moment. David landed a job at WRCW. Allie gambled and told Jake that she was pregnant. Mateo stopped Raquel from signing the divorce papers. Raquel called a mysterious person and begged them to visit Pine Valley. Palmer destroyed a personal letter from Dixie to Tad. Allie took drastic measures to keep her fake pregnancy a secret. Jake gave Tad advice about Dixie. David caught Allie switching blood samples. Allie blackmailed David into silence. Palmer hired Braden. Opal and Adrian bonded. Erica had Kit's background checked out. Tad and Dixie shared a passionate kiss.
October 19 to 23, 1998
Erica and Brooke's conversation turned nasty. Kit pleaded her case to the judge. Ryan told Gillian that he loved her, but it was partly for the benefit of the INS. Tad and Dixie had a heart-to-heart talk, and she forgave him. Edmund and Kit planned to visit her father. Stuart received a fishy gift from Marian. Raquel's mystery friend arrived. Tad and Dixie had an "Affair to Remember." Gillian turned to David for comfort. Seeing Liza and David together made Adam jealous. Adam arranged for Allie to get her medical license back. Hayley was suspicious of Raquel's behavior. Hayley discovered something in Raquel's room. The Dillons said goodbye to Harold, whom Natalie escorted to heaven.
October 26 to 30, 1998
Hayley confessed to Mateo about her unlawful breaking and entering. Things didn't go well for Kit and Edmund at the Fishers'. Tad continued to wait for Dixie, unaware that she was not feeling well. Raquel lied to Mateo about Max's real identity. Palmer pressed Braden for information about Tad and Dixie. Allie received shocking news from Jake. David informed Jake of all of Allie's lies, forcing her to confess in front of David, Jake, and Liza. Adam interrupted Allie with good news before she could tell Liza about the baby's paternity. Kit's day in court arrived.
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November 2 to 6, 1998
Allie left Pine Valley, but not without a few parting shots to some of its residents. Ryan gave Gillian the good news about her deportation status while she was in bed with David. Ryan stormed out of his wife's hotel room and drowned his sorrows at a bar. Kit decided to go drinking to forget her troubles. Kit and Ryan danced, and he tried to hit on her, but she declined his advances. Ryan scared Kit with a werewolf mask. Edmund rushed a catatonic Kit to the hospital after someone who was wearing a werewolf mask physically assaulted her. Dixie passed out at Braden's apartment. A frantic Braden called Palmer. Braden blackmailed Palmer in order to get his job back. Mateo bonded with a trick-or-treater. Stuart asked Liza for permission to marry Marian. Marian gave Stuart her answer.
November 9 to 13, 1998
Adam learned about Raquel from Gillian. Adam's attempt to pay Raquel to leave town failed. Hayley accused Raquel of lying about Max being Mateo's son. Hayley found it difficult to deny the resemblance between Max and Mateo. Dixie, who was still weak from her heart surgery, collapsed when she tried to escape from the hospital to get to Tad. Kit was upset when she heard Erica tell Jack that Kit might have lied about being raped. Jack later found Kit at the scene of the attack. Kit was shocked when she saw Ryan walk out of the bar.
November 16 to 20, 1998
Gillian asked Ryan to forgive her for sleeping with David. Adam offered Raquel cash to get out of town, but she refused his "consolation prize." Erica grew furious when she saw Jack and Brooke in an embrace. Kit started to recall additional information about the night that she had been raped. Mateo enlisted Trevor and Janet's advice on how to deal with Raquel. Dixie used Braden's phone call to reach out to Tad.
November 23 to 27, 1998
Hayley's gift for Max gave Raquel the wrong impression. Adam got defensive when David quizzed him about the fertility clinic where Liza had been inseminated.
November 30 to December 4, 1998
Raquel refused to give Mateo joint custody of Max. Trevor stopped Raquel from leaving town with Max before the boy's custody had been settled in court. Raquel admitted that she was afraid of Hayley getting close to Max. Kit went ballistic when Ryan tried to help her with her coat. After Kit went catatonic, an unsuspecting Gillian arrived and asked Ryan if Kit was the blonde whom he had "scored" with. Ryan felt that he had nothing to hide and agreed to answer all of the questions that the police asked him. Trevor stepped in to offer Ryan legal aid. Tad accused Kit of lying again after she formally told the police that Ryan had raped her. Adam and Liza kissed after he asked her for a second chance. David closed in on the truth about Adam's devious deed at the fertility clinic and prepared to tell Liza everything.
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December 7 to 11, 1998
Tad told Jack, Edmund, and Dimitri that years earlier, when he had threatened to reveal that Kit had embezzled money from the Orsini Vineyards, she had falsely accused him of raping her. Kit pulled away from Edmund, who held her and almost kissed her after convincing her to stay in town. Jack thought that Ryan, who had grown up in a violent atmosphere, could be capable of rape, so he had Ryan arrested. David tampered with Liza's blood test results after Adam warned him to stay away from her.
December 14 to 18, 1998
Mateo was stunned when a judge awarded him shared custody of Max. Mateo had to summon Raquel when Max had a nightmare during his first night at Wildwind with Mateo and Hayley. Gillian slept with David in order to get bail money for Ryan, but she later learned that Ryan didn't need the money after all. Dixie threatened to reveal that Adam had bribed the judge to give Mateo shared custody of Max, prompting Adam to threaten to tell everyone about Dixie's "affair" with Braden.
December 21 to 25, 1998
Everyone prepared to celebrate Christmas. Dixie and Tad both made a wish on a Christmas star for her heart problems to be fixed. Amanda received a new dog that she named Smokey. Edmund invited Kit in.
December 28, 1998 to January 1, 1999
David was livid when Liza decided to give Adam a second chance. A vengeful David vowed to get a sample of Adam's DNA to prove that he had fathered Liza's baby. After a chat with Myrtle, Ryan patched things up with Gillian, and the couple made love. At Hayley's urging, Gillian and Ryan crashed the Maria Santos-Grey Foundation fundraiser to prove to everyone that he was not a rapist. Eugenia loaned Raquel one of her old ball gowns to help her make a splash at her first ball. Erica accepted Dimitri's request to escort her to the ball and enjoyed rubbing Brooke's nose in it. Dixie begged Tad to move into Cortlandt Manor so that he could help quell Opal and Palmer's fighting. Brooke and Derek learned that Ryan's DNA test results were ready to be revealed.
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