Liz is the monitor volunteer for the B&B Board and the lieutenant monitor volunteer for the Y&R Board. She's widely known in her narrow circle as the Greatest, Most Vocal, (and possibly only) Fan of Y&R's "Mary Williams", and is beyond frustrated that yet again, the great Carolyn Conwell is an Emmy shut-out! Get over it, Liz. Your taste is excellent but eclectic, what do you expect? Liz has watched daytime drama since high school, cutting her teeth on the ABC lineup, then in college picking up CBS and staying there ever since: lots of Y&R, some ATWT, a dollop of B&B, and the occasional GL . Liz credits her spry for her age outlook on her wholesome Gateway to the Midwest lifestyle, and her cheerfully bent wit comes from the sleep deprivation and paucity of bathroom privacy you get from hanging around two young children.