As The Bold and the Beautiful continues to tell the story of Maya (Karla Mosley), who was revealed to have been born male, the show is searching for a real-life transgender actor or actress to take part in the tale.
Soap Opera Digest reports that the CBS soap has released a casting call for "a strong, confident person who's completed their transition and is mentoring other Trans people." The role will begin short-term with only four episodes, however there's a possibility more episodes could be added.
The person cast in the role would begin taping on Tuesday, April 7.
What do you think about B& B reaching into the real-life transgender community to cast a role for Maya's story? Are you looking forward to learning more about Myron's journey into becoming the Maya the audience sees today? We want to hear from you -- so drop your comments in the Comments section below, tweet about it on Twitter, share it on Facebook, or chat about it on our Message Boards.